What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda - The Ancient Science of Life


Ayurveda is the ancient Indian holistic medical system, based on achieving physical and mental harmony with nature, practised for more than 5000 years. Ayurveda means "science of life" ("Ayu" meaning life and "Veda" meaning science) and was first recorded in the Vedas, the world's oldest surviving literature.

All early Ayurvedic writings are based on the Samkhya or Sankhya philosophy of creation ("Sat" meaning truth and "Kha" meaning to know). Ayurveda emerged during a time of great enlightenment when the sages of ancient India discovered truth through religious practices and disciplines, including Yoga and meditation—techniques increasingly appreciated in the West today. They believed in a close relationship between humans and the universe and the flow of cosmic energy in different forms among all living and nonliving things.

According to Ayurvedic teachings, every individual has four physical and spiritual instincts: religious, financial, procreative, and the instinct for freedom. Together, these create happiness, well-being, and creative and physical growth. Balance and good health are prerequisites for these instincts to be fulfilled and enjoyed. To establish this foundation, Ayurveda aims to promote good health in healthy individuals and restore health in those experiencing ailments.

Even today, Ayurveda is a recognised branch of medicine in India, existing alongside conventional medicine, and it is growing in popularity in spas and health centres around the world.

Ayurveda and Yoga are complementary to each other, with some Ayurvedic remedies incorporating special Yoga exercises.