Allergy is a disorder of the immune system. Allergic reactions occur when a hypersensitive immune system reacts to a common or unusual substance.
Allergy is a hypersensitivity to certain stimuli/articles like drugs, foods, environmental irritants or substances, or conditions such as temperature and certain weathers. These substances act as antigens giving rise to a reaction in the body which involves production of certain substances like histamine in the body.
Allergy can be hereditary in certain people, but an allergy can occur at any time or point in life. Any substance, whatever its origin, is a possible allergen. Food articles, ingredients in foods, medication, and other factors like pollen, dust, animal hair, etc can all cause allergic reactions.
Satmya is a term used in Ayurveda which means tolerance.
Asatmya is a term which means intolerance.
This tolerance or intolerance can be towards any medicine, food, weather, or any habits. Ayurveda believes that Asatmya is a result of weak or imbalanced Agni (digestive fire). A weak Agni means there is Ama (toxin) formation in the body. Therefore allergies are more common in people with Ama in their system.
Allergy is a result of the following:
Allergies can be of three types based on the Dosha dominance:
Vata related allergy:
All Vata aggravating factors.
Such people are allergic to dry, bitter, spicy and astringent foods, raw foods, cold foods, beans, cold dry and windy weather, excess stress and overactivity.
Pitta related allergy:
Pitta aggravating factors like spicy, sour and salty foods along with citric fruits, fermented food articles, hot weather and extreme sunny conditions. Such people have very sensitive skin and are allergic to certain fabrics, metals, synthetic materials etc.
Kapha related allergy:
Kapha aggravating factor like sweet, sour, salty foods including dairy foods, cheese, yoghurt, milk etc. also fruits like cucumber, water melon may lead to allergic reactions. The allergies are aggravated during cold, rainy and cloudy season.
Ayurveda believes in Nidana - Parivarjanam.
This means avoidance of the cause of the disease. From an allergy stand point, Ayurveda says avoid all common allergens in everyday life.
Ayurvedic approach of treatment of any conditions comes under two categories:
Shodhana: Ayurvedic detoxification which will help to remove the root cause of the allergic reaction. This also helps to correct the imbalanced Agni, eliminate excess Dosha from the body and helps to strengthen the immune system. This is usually done when there is no acute phase of the allergic reaction.
The five actions of detoxification are as follows and help to eliminate excess Doshas as follows:
Shamana: Treatments and therapies for acute phases of allergic reactions.
Management of Vata related allergies:
Management of Pitta related allergies:
Management of Kapha related allergies:
Yoga for allergies:
The following herbs can be used instead of anti histamines in the three Dosha imbalances:
It is strongly recommended that you consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any detoxification process to eliminate Ama or taking Ayurvedic herbs for skin disorders. The treatment protocol may change based on a person's body constitution and disease.