Summer can be one of the harshest seasons for your skin. Extreme temperatures, over indulgence in the sun and lack of proper hydration can leave the protective layer of the skin worn and suffering ill effects. This very Pitta dominant season can cause many skin disorders to flare up.
You don’t just have to sweat it out for weight loss! It can be achieved by putting a healthy Ayurvedic routine in place. This is the key to a happy and healthy life. Maintaining a healthy weight and keeping it off may not be about dieting or having an extreme exercise regimen....
With summer just round the corner, its time to get rid of those closed shoes and let your feet breathe and enjoy some well deserved prana and nature.
Fitness and weight loss - both are achievable from the comfort of your home, without stepping out to the gym. The solution to your health problems is following an Ayurvedic Daily Ritual.
As the weather changes from the bitter cold to signs of new life we begin a springtime routine. Ayurveda provides you with the tools required to begin a routine that will create balance and wellbeing.
Springtime is always a beautiful time as we shrug off the cold coming out of a very Vata season. Things begin to slowly grown and evidence of new life spring up from the ground. There is a softness in the air which is an attribute of the water element whereas the slowness of spring is an attribute of that of earth. Both earth and water encourage us to slow down in a healthy way; yet, these elements can also cause us to become imbalanced in the kapha dosha.
Modern medicine and Ayurveda both agree that there are things you can do every day to keep your heart healthy. When we turn to the natural remedies that Ayurveda, we can be sure that our heart will work properly for a longer period of time.
In a holiday season dominated by fatty, sugary foods and stress, the Ayurvedic lifestyle can be extremely beneficial. Explore how to live a Ayurvedic lifestyle during the hectic holiday season.
In this guide we will explore Ayurveda's general recommendations for autumn and winter, starting with the best dietary recommendations to adjust to the change of seasons...
Ayurveda Pura's Daily Cleansing Milk was featured by Tajmeeli as one of their Top 8 Cleansing Products.
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