Ayurveda is the ancient medical science from India which covers all aspects of life including beauty. In India beauty is considered a blessing from God and it is our duty to keep our bodies and mind healthy and beautiful. Ayurveda believes that beauty is not just skin deep but comes from within too.
To look and feel beautiful, one should follow all the five lines of treatment in Ayurveda. They are:
One of the ancient Ayurvedic text books, Sushruta Samhita mentions a list of Ayurvedic herbs, procedures and recipes to keep one beautiful and maintain it.
Being healthy, feeling and looking beautiful, in Ayurveda, is based on freeing your body from "Ama" or toxins. Getting rid of this toxin means that your digestive fire(Agni) is strong. A strong Agni helps to restore nutrition at a cellular level thereby aiding good health and natural beauty from within.
Following a simple detoxification at home will help to get rid of toxins. This generally includes:
Herbal remedies:
Food and diet:
Ayurvedic massage:
Yoga and breathing exercises
Daily lifestyle and routine:
Beauty treatments in Ayurveda:
In Ayurveda various massages and bodywork therapies form a part of the beauty treatment. Traditionally, a bride to be receives various beauty treatments days before the wedding.
For a long time Ayurvedic remedies have been used in India to brighten eyes, clear the skin and strengthen hair. Anti-aging Ayurvedic treatments are very popular and are aimed at looking and feeling younger and leading long and rejuvenated life.