Many people suffer from either constipation or diarrhoea at some point in life. Sometimes some people suffer from both constipation and diarrhoea and this can be termed as IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. When one suffers from mild symptoms they may not go to a doctor, but when symptoms get severe, constipation and diarrhoea may be accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal cramps, bloating, abdominal pain, sometimes chronic constipation or chronic diarrhoea.
Some symptoms of IBS:
The Ayurvedic perspective:
According to Ayurveda IBS falls under the category of a certain disease called Grahani which is disturbed functions of the bowels and intestines. Grahani (or duodenum) is the seat of Agni (digestive fire). Food is held here until it is completely digested by Agni (or digestive fire). After the food is completely digested, it then passes on to the next part of the digestive tract for absorption, but if the Agni is weak, then the food is not completely digested and passes on in a half digested form.
From previous articles we know that when the food is in a half digested form, it leads to Ama formation. These toxins, or Ama, will further combine with normal food leading to foul smelling stools. Hence one will also find Ama accumulation in the body when one suffers from IBS.
Causes of Grahani:
Ayurveda has listed out a number of causes of Grahani or IBS:
Ayurveda speaks of 4 different types of Grahani based on the Dosha involved:
Vataja Grahani:
In this type of IBS/Grahani Vata Dosha is involved and out of balance.
Pittaja Grahani:
In this type of IBS/Grahani Pitta Dosha is involved and out of balance.
Kaphaja Grahani:
In this type of IBS/Grahani Kapha Dosha is involved and out of balance.
Tridoshaja Grahani:
Symptoms are similarly mixed. Specific symptoms are as follows:
Doshas involved in the conditions should be alleviated. Initially treatment of Ama should be undertaken, followed by the treatment of Doshas involved in the conditions should be alleviated. Initially treatment of Ama should be undertaken. This should be followed by the treatment of the specific Dosha excess. Diet should generally be light and easy to digest. One can take up light fasting to eliminate Ama from the body. Kitchari (basmati rice and mung beans) along with light vegetable soups is one of the best foods during fasting.
Vata type IBS/Grahani:
Pitta type IBS/Grahani:
Kapha type IBS/Grahani:
General line of treatment:
Yoga for IBS/Grahani:
It is strongly recommended that you consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any detoxification process to eliminate Ama or taking Ayurvedic herbs for IBS symptoms. The treatment protocol may change based on a person's body constitution and disease.