Modern medicine and Ayurveda both agree that there are things you can do every day to keep your heart healthy. When we turn to the natural remedies that Ayurveda, we can be sure that our heart will work properly for a longer period of time.
To prevent common diseases and lead a healthy lifestyle, a deep understanding of the main organ of the body - the Heart - is necessary. It is important to maintain heart health in order to maintain proper blood circulation.
Yoga and meditation help improve heart function when practiced regularly. These mindful practices can improve your outlook on life and motivate you to stick to many heart-healthy behaviours, such as eating right, getting enough sleep, and continuing to exercise regularly. According to Ayurveda, following simple practices like daily yoga and following an Ayurvedic diet can help keep your heart healthy. According to Ayurveda, heart health can also be maintained by making some key lifestyle changes.
Probably the most important step you can take for heart health is eating a heart-friendly diet. For a society accustomed to fast food and eating on the go, this is probably also the most difficult step to take and keep. However, there are a few things you can do to make your diet more heart-healthy: eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, start the day with a stewed apple or pear, add soaked blanched almonds to your diet, use fresh lime juice Season vegetables. Eat heart-healthy spices like freshly ground black pepper and antioxidant turmeric. So eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; legumes, whole grains; add heart-healthy nuts like almonds, walnuts to your diet; season vegetables with fresh lime juice and add black pepper to your meals and spices like turmeric.
If you think you are at risk of developing heart problems, it is important to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, eat nutritious foods, and add Ayurvedic supplements to your diet to promote healthy body function. To begin the journey towards overall well-being and improved heart health, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic physician who can conduct a full assessment of the state of the body and mind, doshas and other factors of your body and, if necessary, prescribe Ayurvedic medicines. medicines needed for circulation and heart health. Here are some commonly recommended Ayurvedic remedies for the prevention and treatment of heart disease.
Ayurvedic herbs of known and proven value such as Tulsi, Ashwagandha and Guggul can help in the management and prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is one of the most sacred plants in India and has a range of physical benefits including reducing excess kapha in the lungs, providing clear and comfortable breathing, promoting healthy circulation and supporting a healthy heart function.
Ashwagandha, which helps improve natural stress tolerance and promote better sleep, and Guggul, which, studies have shown to help lower cholesterol levels.
These herbal powders are not only good for the heart, but also promote a healthy liver, kidneys and digestive system, improving overall health. These powders which can be taken in easy to swallow capsules help protect the heart from oxidative stress and are also effective in maintaining cholesterol levels to support the overall health of your heart.
In addition to improving circulation, the heart supplement does wonders for helping to keep the respiratory and digestive systems strong. These 100% organic herbs nourishes and strengthens the heart muscle, supporting healthy circulation and proper oxygenation throughout the body. It also nourishes our heart vessels to help maintain healthy heart muscle and function.
Medicine is now beginning to recognise what Ayurveda has long argued, that it focuses on the root cause of health problems, rather than just suppressing symptoms. Ayurveda offers a comprehensive solution to heart and circulation problems to ensure a long and healthy life. Ayurveda teaches us that healthy organs and tissues are the natural result of optimal health, which depends on strong agni, a healthy diet, a supportive lifestyle, a balanced nervous system, and mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Ayurveda believes that your mental health plays a huge role in your heart health. Get rid of stress. Ayurveda strongly recommends taking care of the emotional health of the heart to reduce anxiety.
A sedentary lifestyle is one of the risk factors for heart disease, so increase your heart's strength and efficiency through healthy yogic practices. Yoga poses, deep breathing and meditation help to bring focus releasing rejuvenating properties. According to Ayurveda, moderate exercise can be a great way to keep your heart healthy.
Making simple Ayurvedic changes to your daily routine can lead to a healthy heart and a healthy lifestyle. Pick one or two and start with them if you like, then add a couple more every few weeks until you start living a healthy lifestyle naturally. The first step is recognising the need for change and then moving towards adapting a lifestyle that brings health and happiness.