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Lately I had few small trips to Lithuania and Kuressaare and I had almost the same things in my travel beauty bag, so I decided to show it to you also!
While I travel (and actually all the time) I love to keep everything organized, so I use Insjö Saimaa Sweet peach BagInBag* which is created for that job and I really enjoy using it!
This bag have so so many little pockets and secret places, so you can fit everything in and all the products have their own space and they actually stay there (if some little bad creature don´t mess something up in your bag!), so it´s really easy to grab them quickly! PS! If you are interested ordering some products from them, keep up reading, because I may have Insjö promotion code for you!
Käisin mõnda aega tagasi Leedus ja Kuressaares ning minu reisikotis olid mõned kindlad tooted, mis kaasas käisid, seega otsustasin ka blogis koti sisu jagada.
Reisides (ja tegelikult ka igapäevaselt) meeldib mulle hoida kõike organiseerituna, seega kasutan reisides Insjö Saimaa virsiku toonis BagInBag´i*, mis on loodud just selleks tööks ning naudin selle kasutamist väga. Sellel kotil on ääretult palju väikseid taskuid ning salajasi peidukaid, mis mahutavad endasse kõik potsikud ja need ka püsivad seal (kui mõni Pätu just salaja mässama ei kuku, eksole), seega on neid kerge haarata. PS! Kui soovite ka Insjö´lt midagi tellida, siis jätkake lugemist, sest mul on teile tasuta saatmise kood
postituse lõpus!