Ayurveda Pura Skin-Radiance Exfoliating Cream Tridoshic
We love a good scrub – but it has to be a ‘good’ scrub, which in our book means gentle and skin-nurturing, not rough and scratchy. This – from an Ayurvedic organic beauty company – is just lovely, ideal for buffing away the dingy remains of a faded summer facial tan: it uses gentle scruffing beads, in a nourishing base featuring jojoba oil, together with a lovely sense-awakening blend of lavender, lemon, mandarin and frangipani oils. (Great in the a.m., we’ve found.) The Ayurveda Pura range won a Green Parent Natural Beauty Award 2013; most of their products are matched to your ‘dosha‘ – or Ayurvedic ‘type’ (which you can figure out on their website, www.ayurvedapura.com.) But this is what’s known as ‘tridoshic’ – meaning it’s one-scrub-fits-all. Beautifully…
UK readers find Ayurveda Pura Skin-Radiance Exfoliating Cream Tridoshicat www.ayurvedapura.com/£10.79 for 50 ml – buy here