Summer can be one of the harshest seasons for your skin. Extreme temperatures, over indulgence in the sun and lack of proper hydration can leave the protective layer of the skin worn and suffering ill effects. This very Pitta dominant season can cause many skin disorders to flare up.
One subject rarely talked about within the Ayurvedic community is sun protection. There has long been the wise saying ‘Between ten and three stay under a tree’. As many know in Ayurveda we rise with the Sun within the seasons; however, it is important to be conscious about the amount of sun exposure as we head into the hotter hours of the day. This is to protect the body from overheating and balancing pitta.
Here are a few ways to keep cool and keep pitta in balance.
Herbal Oils
Ayurvedic herbal oils help to protect skin. Massaging the body with oils that are high in essential fatty acids and antioxidants will combat free radicals and ultraviolet rays that the skin accumulates. It has many healing and protective properties as well.
Ayurveda Pura’s Sesame Oil which contains vitamin E can help protect skin cells from the damage caused by environmental factors, such as UV rays, pollution, and toxins. Sesame oil also contains several phenolic compounds full of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Ayurveda Pura’s Re-fesh Blend Herbal Massage Oil as most all of our massage oils are sesame oil based.
Self oil massage before a bath or shower will help soothe and nourish the skin. This can also be a good practice to prepare your skin before facing a full day of sun activity.
Keep your Skin Cool and Refreshed
Hydration is an inner and outer practice. One great way to keep your skin cool and refreshed is spritzing Ayurveda Pura’s Organic Rose Water on your face and body. It is a beautiful way to bring things back in balance and an instant cool down if you get caught out in the sun.
Stay Hydrated
Drink 4 to 6 cups of water daily, along with cooling beverages like fresh coconut water and Ayurveda Pura’s Saffron & Cardamom Delight. Slices of cucumber in water is also an excellent way to hydrate.
Go for the ‘Steamed’ Salad
Summer is an excellent time to eat fresh cooling ‘steamed’ salads. They nourish the body with loads of antioxidants and be mindful that locally seasonally sourced fruits and vegetables will provide the most benefit.
Avoid the Heat
Avoid hot, spicy and salty foods during the summer months as they’ll increase the pitta dosha. Also, be moderate with hard liquor, red wine, and red meat as they can also be too heating for the summer.
Hydration your Hair & Skin
Don’t forget to nourish your hair and scalp. Ayurveda Pura’s Ayurvedic Hair Mask combined with Ayurveda Pura’s Jatadi Oil is excellent in hydrating and protecting the hair during and after the harsh activities of the summer. The hair mask is easy to use and can be part of your pampering session after a long day out.
Ayurveda Pura’s Anti-Ageing Face Mask assists with calming and bringing nourishment back to sun battered skin. This beautiful product used in combination with Ayurveda Pura's Rose Water is an excellent tonic to soften and brighten dull skin.
Take time to Cool and Calm the your Mind
Some of the best times during these warmer months is coming in and relaxing after a long day. In the summer there is more light in the day and the best way to wind down is finding a space to become quiet and mindful. Dr. Deepa Apté suggests the use of our Ayurveda Pura’s Natural Serenity Candle blended with precious Rose & Peoni. This sweet scent will calm balancing the five doshic elements. A perfect addition by the tub as you soak away the activities of the day taking time out for gratitude of the beauty they summer season brings.
Herbs of the Season
Ayurveda Pura’s Manjistha - Rejuvenating skin care herb that balances pitta. Internally it helps purify the blood and has positive effects on liver and lymph. A cooling herb. Externally it has been known to be useful in skin whitening and creating a glowing complexion.
Ayurveda Pura’s Neem - Is extremely useful in controlling oil production in the skin. Neem has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritated skin. It is also known to even out skin tones. Neem has anti-inflammatory properties may help fight oxidative stress.
The summer is a beautiful time to spend with family and friends. Remember living an Ayurvedic lifestyle is simple and only requires being mindful to the season and living in a perpetual state of balance and moderation. Ayurveda Pura is here to help you enjoy and live your best life possible.
Enjoy these brighter days and be happy!